"""Imago grid fitting module
RANSAC inspired method.
import random
from math import sqrt
from intrsc import intersections_from_angl_dist
import linef
import params
import ransac
import manual_lines as manual
from geometry import l2ad
# TODO comments, refactoring, move methods to appropriate modules
class GridFittingFailedError(Exception):
class BadGenError(Exception):
[docs]def plot_line(line, c, size):
"""Plot a *line* with pyplot."""
points = linef.line_from_angl_dist(line, size)
pyplot.plot(*zip(*points), color=c)
[docs]class Diagonal_model:
"""Ransac model for finding diagonals."""
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = [p for p in sum(data, []) if p]
self.lines = data
self.gen = self.initial_g()
def initial_g(self):
l1, l2 = random.sample(self.lines, 2)
for i in xrange(len(l1)):
for j in xrange(len(l2)):
if i == j:
if l1[i] and l2[j]:
yield (l1[i], l2[j])
def remove(self, data):
self.data = list(set(self.data) - set(data))
def initial(self):
nxt = self.gen.next()
except StopIteration:
self.gen = self.initial_g()
nxt = self.gen.next()
return nxt
def get(self, sample):
if len(sample) == 2:
return ransac.points_to_line(*sample)
return ransac.least_squares(sample)
def score(self, est, dist):
cons = []
score = 0
a, b, c = est
dst = lambda (x, y): abs(a * x + b * y + c) / sqrt(a*a+b*b)
l1 = None
l2 = None
for p in self.data:
d = dst(p)
if d <= dist:
if p.l1 == l1 or p.l2 == l2:
return float("inf"), []
l1, l2 = p.l1, p.l2
else: # TODO delete this or refactor
score += min(d, dist)
return score, cons
[docs]def intersection((a1, b1, c1), (a2, b2, c2)):
"""Intersection of two lines, given by coefficients in their equations."""
delim = float(a1 * b2 - b1 * a2)
if delim == 0:
return None
x = (b1 * c2 - c1 * b2) / delim
y = (c1 * a2 - a1 * c2) / delim
return x, y
[docs]class Point:
"""Class that represents a point in 2D."""
def __init__(self, (x, y)):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == 0:
return self.x
elif key == 1:
return self.y
def __iter__(self):
yield self.x
yield self.y
def __len__(self):
return 2
def to_tuple(self):
return (self.x, self.y)
[docs]class Line:
"""Line with a list of important points that lie on it.
This and the Point class in this module serves to implement a model of
perspective plain -- a line has a list of intersections with other lines and
each intersection has two lines that go through it.
def __init__(self, (a, b, c)):
self.a, self.b, self.c = (a, b, c)
self.points = []
def from_ad(cls, (a, d), size):
p = linef.line_from_angl_dist((a, d), size)
return cls(ransac.points_to_line(*p))
def __iter__(self):
yield self.a
yield self.b
yield self.c
def __len__(self):
return 3
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == 0:
return self.a
elif key == 1:
return self.b
elif key == 2:
return self.c
[docs]def gen_corners(d1, d2, min_size):
"""Generate candidates on corner positions from the diagonals."""
for c1 in d1.points:
if c1 in d2.points:
c2 = [p for p in d2.points if p in c1.l1.points][0]
c3 = [p for p in d1.points if p in c2.l2.points][0]
c4 = [p for p in d2.points if p in c3.l1.points][0]
x_min = min([c1[0], c2[0], c3[0], c4[0]])
x_max = max([c1[0], c2[0], c3[0], c4[0]])
if x_max - x_min < min_size:
y_min = min([c1[1], c2[1], c3[1], c4[1]])
y_max = max([c1[1], c2[1], c3[1], c4[1]])
if y_max - y_min < min_size:
except IndexError:
# there is not a corresponding intersection
# TODO create an intersection?
yield manual.lines(map(lambda p: p.to_tuple(), [c2, c1, c3, c4]))
except (TypeError):
# the square was too small to fit 17 lines inside
# TODO define SquareTooSmallError or something
[docs]def dst(p, l):
"""Distance from a point to a line."""
(x, y), (a, b, c) = p, ransac.points_to_line(*l)
return abs(a * x + b * y + c) / sqrt(a*a+b*b)
[docs]def score(lines, points):
# TODO find whether the point actualy lies on the line or just in the same
# direction
score = 0
for p in points:
s = min(map(lambda l: dst(p, l), lines))
s = min(s, 2)
score += s
return score
[docs]def find(lines, size, l1, l2, bounds, hough, show_all, do_something, logger):
"""Find the best grid given the *lines* and *size* of the image.
Last three parameters serves for debugging, *l1*, *l2*, *bounds* and *hough*
are here for compatibility with older version of gridf, so they can be
easily exchanged, tested and compared.
new_lines1 = map(lambda l: Line.from_ad(l, size), lines[0])
new_lines2 = map(lambda l: Line.from_ad(l, size), lines[1])
for l1 in new_lines1:
for l2 in new_lines2:
p = Point(intersection(l1, l2))
p.l1 = l1
p.l2 = l2
points = [l.points for l in new_lines1]
def dst_p(x, y):
x = x - size[0] / 2
y = y - size[1] / 2
return sqrt(x * x + y * y)
for n_tries in xrange(3):
logger("finding the diagonals")
model = Diagonal_model(points)
diag_lines = ransac.ransac_multi(6, points, 2,
params.ransac_diagonal_iter, model=model)
diag_lines = [l[0] for l in diag_lines]
centers = []
cen_lin = []
for i in xrange(len(diag_lines)):
line1 = diag_lines[i]
for line2 in diag_lines[i+1:]:
c = intersection(line1, line2)
if c and dst_p(*c) < min(size) / 2:
cen_lin.append((line1, line2, c))
if show_all:
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
from PIL import Image
def plot_line_g((a, b, c), max_x):
find_y = lambda x: - (c + a * x) / b
pyplot.plot([0, max_x], [find_y(0), find_y(max_x)], color='b')
fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
for l in diag_lines:
plot_line_g(l, size[0])
pyplot.scatter(*zip(*sum(points, [])))
if len(centers) >= 1:
pyplot.scatter([c[0] for c in centers], [c[1] for c in centers], color='r')
pyplot.xlim(0, size[0])
pyplot.ylim(0, size[1])
size_f = fig.canvas.get_width_height()
buff = fig.canvas.tostring_rgb()
image_p = Image.fromstring('RGB', size_f, buff, 'raw')
do_something(image_p, "finding diagonals")
logger("finding the grid")
data = sum(points, [])
# TODO what if lines are missing?
sc = float("inf")
grid = None
for (line1, line2, c) in cen_lin:
diag1 = Line(line1)
diag1.points = ransac.filter_near(data, diag1, 2)
diag2 = Line(line2)
diag2.points = ransac.filter_near(data, diag2, 2)
grids = list(gen_corners(diag1, diag2, min(size) / 3))
new_sc, new_grid = min(map(lambda g: (score(sum(g, []), data), g), grids))
if new_sc < sc:
sc, grid = new_sc, new_grid
except ValueError:
if grid:
raise GridFittingFailedError
grid_lines = [[l2ad(l, size) for l in grid[0]],
[l2ad(l, size) for l in grid[1]]]
grid_lines[0].sort(key=lambda l: l[1])
grid_lines[1].sort(key=lambda l: l[1])
if grid_lines[0][0][0] > grid_lines[1][0][0]:
grid_lines = grid_lines[1], grid_lines[0]
return grid, grid_lines