Source code for imago

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Go image recognition."""

import sys
import os
import argparse
import pickle

    from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
except ImportError, msg:
    print >> sys.stderr, msg

import linef
import intrsc
import gridf_new as gridf
import output

def argument_parser():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
    parser.add_argument('files', metavar='file', nargs='+',
                        help="image to analyse")
    parser.add_argument('-w', type=int, default=640,
                    help="scale image to the specified width before analysis")
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--manual', dest='manual_mode',
                        help="manual grid selection")
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='show_all',
                        help="show every step of the computation")
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--save', dest='saving', action='store_true',
                        help="save images instead of displaying them")
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--cache', dest='l_cache', action='store_true',
                        help="use cached lines")
    parser.add_argument('-S', '--sgf', dest='sgf_output', action='store_true',
                        help="output in SGF")
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
                        help="report progress")
    return parser

# TODO factor this into smaller functions
[docs]def main(): """Main function of the program.""" parser = argument_parser() args = parser.parse_args() show_all = args.show_all verbose = args.verbose try: image =[0]) except IOError, msg: print >> sys.stderr, msg return 1 if image.mode == 'P': image = image.convert('RGB') if image.size[0] > args.w: image = image.resize((args.w, int((float(args.w)/image.size[0]) * image.size[1])), Image.ANTIALIAS) if not show_all: def nothing(a, b): pass do_something = nothing elif args.saving: do_something = Imsave("saved/" + args.files[0][:-4] + "_" + str(image.size[0]) + "/").save else: import im_debug do_something = if verbose: import time class Logger: def __init__(self): self.t = 0 def __call__(self, m): t_n = time.time() if self.t > 0: print >> sys.stderr, "\t" + str(t_n - self.t) print >> sys.stderr, m self.t = t_n logger = Logger() else: def logger(m): pass if args.manual_mode: import manual try: lines = manual.find_lines(image) except manual.UserQuitError: #TODO ask user to try again return 1 else: if args.l_cache: filename = ("saved/cache/" + args.files[0][:-4] + "_" + str(image.size[0])) cache_dir = "/".join(filename.split('/')[:-1]) if os.path.exists(filename): lines, l1, l2, bounds, hough = pickle.load(open(filename)) print >> sys.stderr, "using cached results" else: lines, l1, l2, bounds, hough = linef.find_lines(image, do_something, logger) if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir) d_file = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump((lines, l1, l2, bounds, hough), d_file) d_file.close() else: lines, l1, l2, bounds, hough = linef.find_lines(image, do_something, logger) #d_file = open('lines09.pickle', 'wb') #pickle.dump(lines, d_file) #d_file.close() #TODO delete this grid, lines = gridf.find(lines, image.size, l1, l2, bounds, hough, show_all, do_something, logger) if show_all: im_g = image.copy() draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im_g) for l in grid[0] + grid[1]: draw.line(l, fill=(64, 255, 64), width=1) do_something(im_g, "grid", name="grid") intersections = intrsc.b_intersects(image, lines, show_all, do_something, logger) board = intrsc.board(image, intersections, show_all, do_something, logger) logger("finished") # TODO! refactor this mess: if len(args.files) == 1: if args.sgf_output: print board.asSGFsetPos() else: print board else: game = output.Game(19, board) #TODO size parameter for f in args.files[1:]: try: image = except IOError, msg: print >> sys.stderr, msg continue if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "Opening", f if image.mode == 'P': image = image.convert('RGB') if image.size[0] > args.w: image = image.resize((args.w, int((float(args.w)/image.size[0]) * image.size[1])), Image.ANTIALIAS) board = intrsc.board(image, intersections, show_all, do_something, logger) if args.sgf_output: game.addMove(board) else: print board if args.sgf_output: print game.asSGF() return 0
class Imsave(): def __init__(self, saving_dir): self.saving_dir = saving_dir self.saving_num = 0 def save(self, image, title='', name=None): im_format = ('.png', 'PNG') if name: filename = self.saving_dir + name + im_format[0] else: filename = self.saving_dir + "{0:0>3}".format(self.saving_num) + im_format[0] self.saving_num += 1 if not os.path.isdir(self.saving_dir): os.makedirs(self.saving_dir), im_format[1]) if __name__ == '__main__': try: sys.exit(main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: #TODO does this work? print >> sys.stderr, "Interrupted." sys.exit(1)