Source code for output
"""Imago output module."""
import copy
import sys
COORDS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrs'
# TODO refactor method names
[docs]class Board:
"""Represents the state of the board."""
def __init__(self, size, stones):
self.stones = stones
self.size = size
def __str__(self):
"""Retrun string representation of the board."""
lines = []
k = 0
for i in range(self.size):
line = []
for j in range(self.size):
k += 1
lines.append(" ".join(line))
return ("\n".join(lines))
[docs] def asSGFsetPos(self):
"""Returns SGF (set position) representation of the position."""
#TODO version numbering
sgf = "(;FF[4]GM[1]SZ[" + str(self.size) + "]AP[Imago:0.1.0]\n"
sgf += self.SGFpos()
sgf += ")"
return sgf
def SGFpos(self):
black = []
white = []
for i in range(self.size):
for j in range(self.size):
stone = self.stones[i * self.size + j]
if stone == 'B':
black.append(Move('B', i, j))
elif stone == 'W':
white.append(Move('W', i, j))
sgf = ""
if len(black) > 0:
sgf += "AB" + ''.join('[' + m.sgf_coords() + ']'
for m in black) + "\n"
if len(white) > 0:
sgf += "AW" + ''.join('[' + m.sgf_coords() + ']'
for m in white) + "\n"
return sgf
[docs] def addMove(self, m):
"""Add move to the board."""
self.stones[(m.y * self.size) + m.x] = m.color
[docs] def getMoveCandidates(self, board):
"""Take the next board in game and return a list of moves that are
candidates = []
for i in range(self.size):
for j in range(self.size):
if (self.stones[self.size * i + j] == "."):
if (board.stones[self.size * i + j] == "W"):
candidates.append(Move("W", i, j))
elif (board.stones[self.size * i + j] == "B"):
candidates.append(Move("B", i, j))
return candidates
[docs]class Move:
"""Repsresents a move."""
def __init__(self, color, y, x, comment=None):
self.color = color
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.comment = comment
[docs] def sgf_coords(self):
"""Return coordinates of the move in SGF."""
return COORDS[self.x] + COORDS[self.y]
[docs]class Game:
"""Represents a game."""
def __init__(self, size, board=None, debug=True):
self.init_board = board or Board(size, (size * size) * ".")
self.board = copy.deepcopy(self.init_board)
self.moves = []
self.size = size
self.debug = debug
self.debug_comment = ""
[docs] def addMove(self, board):
"""Add next move to the game."""
candidates = self.board.getMoveCandidates(board)
if self.debug:
comment = str(board)
comment += "Candidates: " + str(len(candidates))
if not candidates:
self.debug_comment += "No candidates."
move = candidates[0]
move.comment = comment
[docs] def asSGF(self):
"""Return the game representation as SGF string."""
sgf = "(;FF[4]GM[1]SZ[" + str(self.size) + "]AP[Imago:0.1.0]\n"
sgf += self.init_board.SGFpos()
for m in self.moves:
if m:
sgf += ";" + m.color + "[" + m.sgf_coords() + "]"
if m.comment:
sgf += "C[" + m.comment + "]"
sgf += "\n"
sgf += ")"
return sgf