Source code for ransac

"""RANSAC estimation."""

import random
from math import sqrt
import numpy as NP

# TODO comments
# TODO threshold

[docs]def points_to_line((x1, y1), (x2, y2)): """Take two points, return coefficitiens for line that connects them.""" return (y2 - y1, x1 - x2, x2 * y1 - x1 * y2)
[docs]def filter_near(data, line, distance): """Find points in *data* that are closer than *distance* to *line*.""" a, b, c = line dst = lambda (x, y): abs(a * x + b * y + c) / sqrt(a*a+b*b) is_near = lambda p: dst(p) <= distance return [p for p in data if is_near(p)]
[docs]def least_squares(data): """The least squares method.""" x = NP.matrix([(a, 1) for (a, b) in data]) xt = NP.transpose(x) y = NP.matrix([[b] for (a, b) in data]) [a,c] =, x)), xt).dot(y).flat return (a, -1, c)
[docs]class Linear_model: def __init__(self, data): = data def get(self, sample): if len(sample) == 2: return points_to_line(*sample) else: return least_squares(sample) def initial(self): return random.sample(, 2) def score(self, est, dist): cons = [] score = 0 a, b, c = est dst = lambda (x, y): abs(a * x + b * y + c) / sqrt(a*a+b*b) for p in d = dst(p) if d <= dist: cons.append(p) score += min(d, dist) return score, cons def remove(self, data): = list(set( - set(data))
def iterate(model, distance): score = float("inf") consensual = model.initial() estimate = model.get(consensual) new_score, new_consensual = model.score(estimate, distance) if new_consensual != []: while (new_score < score): score, consensual = new_score, new_consensual try: estimate = model.get(consensual) new_score, new_consensual = model.score(estimate, distance) except (NP.linalg.LinAlgError): pass return score, estimate, consensual
[docs]def estimate(data, dist, k, modelClass=Linear_model, model=None): if not model: model = modelClass(data) best = float("inf") estimate = None consensual = None for i in xrange(0, k): new, new_estimate, new_consensual = iterate(model, dist) if new < best: best = new estimate = new_estimate consensual = new_consensual return estimate, consensual
def ransac_multi(m, data, dist, k, modelClass=Linear_model, model=None): if not model: model = modelClass(data) ests = [] cons = [] for i in xrange(m): est, cons_new = estimate(None, dist, k, model=model) model.remove(cons_new) ests.append((est, cons_new)) return ests